Kloster Michaelstein, D-Blankenburg/Harz

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  3. Kloster Michaelstein, D-Blankenburg/Harz
Events at this venue

3 Day Basic DCF Training Michaelstein/Germany

Kloster Michaelstein, D-Blankenburg/Harz Michaelstein 4, Blankenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany

THE PLAYSHOP (it’s play not work ) In these three days you’ll have more than 18 hours of learning how to plan, start and facilitate a Drum Circle. Helga Reihl and Ben Flohr will share their knowledge, experience and joy in making community recreational music. No musical knowledge presumed, no drumming skills needed. You work…


3 Day Basic Drum Circle Facilitator Training Germany / Blankenburg

Kloster Michaelstein, D-Blankenburg/Harz Michaelstein 4, Blankenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany

Dr. Jane Bentley and Ben Flohr will share their knowledge, experience and joy in making community recreational music. In these three days you’ll have more than 18 hours of learning how to plan, start and facilitate a Drum Circle.


VMC Global Basic Training Germany, 3 Day Training

Kloster Michaelstein, D-Blankenburg/Harz Michaelstein 4, Blankenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany

Learn how to facilitate a Drum Circle in 20+ hours of training facilitated by Paul John Dear and Ben Flohr. Contact and registration: flohr@gewamusic.com
