VMCGlobal DCF Trainers
Please fill out this form so we can create your profile on the VMCGlobal website and add you to the Certified Facilitator's page on the Village Music Circles website, if you are not already listed there.
If you are listed on one of the sites, you need only provide the information we don't have for you. If it is a required field, you can enter a note that we already have the info.
For the new trainers— or if you don't have a profile on the VMCG site:
When you are promoting workshops again, you will be able to post events on the VMCG calendar. Once you complete this form and send your photo to Copperwoman, you will receive an email from WordPress with a login username and password that will enable you to post your events by clicking on the button on the bottom of the VMCG calendar page.
Please email a recent high resolution photo to: cw AT villagemusiccirclesglobal.com
or send an updated photo if you wish.
You have a choice to tell your story OR the 4 Essay Questions below for the VMC site.
**sample story here
Please be sure to click the submit button when you are finished otherwise the form will not be sent.