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3-Day Drum Circle Facilitation Training (D.C. Area)

April 5, 2024 - April 7, 2024


3-Day training Flyer-3


email Lisa Bardack at 3daydrumcircletraining@gmail.com

Register Here!

Village Music Circles™ Drum Circle Facilitation Programs distill the challenge of rhythm-based event management into layers built on one exercise at time.

This Playshop will deliver:

  • Hands-on practice for all participants
  • Steps to create successful rhythm-based events
  • VMC facilitation tools and techniques with built-in practice time
  • Basic facilitator rhythm fundamentals (count in, count out, mark pulse, etc.)

Get familiar with basic facilitator skills like pulse and phrasing. Learn how to start, stop and sculpt grooves while moving a group toward its highest musical potential. Or just have fun and make the world a more musical place!

The training fee is for an all inclusive experience at a beautiful conference center nestled in the woods! Registration fees cover 20+ hours of training provided by two VMC certified trainers, your two night stay, and 6 meals.


  • $375 Commuter Rate for people staying off site; limited spaces available
  • $475 Early Bird Discount until 3/15/24
  • $525 Regular Rate after 3/15/24
  • Single rooms available for an additional $50 surcharge; limited spaces available.
  • VMC Training grads get a $25 discount. Contact Katy (katy@katygaughan.com) or Ashley (atisdale911@gmail.com) for discount code.

This program was pioneered by Village Music Circles (VMC) Founder Arthur Hull after 50 years in the field and is co-authored by Jim Boneau. https://villagemusiccircles.com/

Katy Gaughan is a VMC Certified Global Trainer with over 20 years of facilitation experience. Ashley Tisdale is a VMC Certified Global Trainer and Board-Certified Music Therapist with over 10 years experience.

This program is taught all over the world.

This Playshop is for:

Music Therapists

Music Teachers & Educators

Group Leaders & Presenters

Community Organizers

Musicians & Drummers

Mental Health Counselors

Counselors & Social Workers

Youth Counselors and Kids-at-risk Professionals

Activity Directors for Seniors

Health and Wellness Professionals

Trainers & Facilitators

Ministers & Spiritual Leaders

Life Coaches

Anyone seeking inspiration & new skills


Wellspring Conference Center is located in Germantown, MD. Nestled in a two-hundred-acre wooded site just north of Washington, D.C, and close to Baltimore, Maryland, Wellspring offers a lovely main conference center and accommodations that reflect our search for simplicity and sustainability. Wellspring guests find the tranquil green vistas of the forest a soothing backdrop for their group functions, and the natural beauty of the grounds a perfect place for private contemplation and reflection on the day’s events. http://www.wellspringconference.org/

More Info

For questions about the training, the conference center, or financial assistance, please reach out to Lisa Bardack at: 3daydrumcircletrainging@gmail.com