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3-Day Basic Drum Circle Facilitator Training, Marti (Pi), Italy, con Harshil Filippo Chiostri, in italian language

Podere Amarti Via Val Dell'Olmo, Montopoli in Val D'Arno, fraz Marti, Pisa, Italy

Drum Circle Spirit, con il supporto di Aramini Strumenti Musicali e Artedo Bologna e Modena, ti offre in esclusiva Il VMC Basic 3-Day Drum Circle Facilitator Training di Village Music Circles, presso Podere Amarti (Pi).  Questo Training è stato finemente sviluppato da Arthur Hull in più di 40 anni di esperienza, ed è accreditato al…

3-day Basic Drum Circle Facilitator training, Sapporo, Japan

札幌 カムオンホール Come On Hall Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan

札幌で二度目の開催!『ドラムサークル・ファシリテーターズ・ベーシック研修』のお知らせ 3日間ベーシック研修を札幌市中の島で開催することになりました。 理論と実践練習20時間の研修です。クロージングでは修了証を授与します。 また、受講後は、当法人「ベーシック会員」への登録が可能となり、研修やイベントの割引やWEBクラスへの無料参加など特典を受けることができます。 とき:2024年10月12-14日(土-月・祝) 場所:カムオンホール 札幌市豊平区中の島2条1丁目3番25号カムオンビル 地下鉄南北線中の島駅 1番出口徒歩1分 研修の詳細はこちらをご覧ください。  

3-day Basic Drum Circle Facilitator Training

Ole Bull Akademiet Strengjarhaugen 6, Voss, Norway

Welcome to our three-day Basic Facilitator Training at the academy for Norwegian Folk Music, beautifully situated in Voss, a picturesque mountain village in Norway. Your trainers, Lars Kolstad and Mikael Khei, bring a wealth of experience, both being internationally certified by VMC. Our venue is renowned for its excellent acoustics, providing the perfect backdrop for…

VMC One Day Introduction to Community Drum Circle Facilitation

Band Room Band Room, Queens Gardens, East Perth, WA, Australia

Join us in Perth, Western Australia for this fun day of musical exploration, as we introduce you to the VMC model for connecting, and uplifting people through the empowering process of Drum-Circle Facilitation. No previous musical experience is necessary. This is the model developed by Arthur Hull and used by facilitators across the world in…