Mikael Khei

Mikael was for many years the drum-circle pioneer in Scandinavia. He is still working to make facilitated drumcircles known in all parts of society, but now happily together with Lars Kolstad in Bergen and other colleagues. Being one of Village Music Circles global trainers, Mikael has of course a long story with Arthur Hull. It includes more than 15 weekend trainings and 5 week-long training programs going all the way back to 2001.

Mikael came into music and drumming as an adult. In an African drumming workshop, something clicked and a decision to work with rhythm was made on a deep level. If you are new to drumming when you come this DCF training, you can be assured that your teacher knows what it’s like. 

The instinctive connection that happens when drumming together, is one of the carrying elements when Mikael facilitate. As a teacher, he has a signature skill of bringing awareness to the moment, and by that helping the group, as well as individuals to recognize learning. In “Arthurian” terms this is called teaching without teaching. 

To the trainings, and to the international community Mikael brings complementary knowledge and qualifications. He works with “kids at risk councellor” and as a “special needs teacher” in High School. He is also certified as a Taketina rhythm teacher, Biodanza teacher and NLP master practitioner. You are in safe hands.
