Cameron Tummel
Cameron Tummel, M.F.A. World Percussion, former president of the Drum Circle Facilitators Guild, is the lead trainer of the Advanced Facilitator Training for Village Music Circles Global Japan and founder of Drum Tiki. Tomoko “Tomtom” Yakota is the founder of Village Music Circles Global Japan and certified member of the Train the Trainers International training team (VMC TTT).
Arthur Hull, creator of Village Music Circles, travels internationally as a rhythmical evangelist hosting drum circle facilitation training events and is the author of numerous instructional books and videos about drum circle facilitation. Information about Arthur Hull, Village Music Circles events, and Tomtom’s bio and contact info (in English) are at
Cameron’s bio, videos and music at and Tomtom, Cameron, and Arthur will all be presenters at the Drum Circle Facilitators Guild Conference in February, 2020, and Cameron and Tomtom will host the VMC Advanced Facilitator training in Japan in May, 2021.