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VMC One Day Introduction to Drum Circle Facilitation

April 27, 2023 @ 8:30 am - 4:00 pm EST



The Village Music Circles One Day Introduction to Drum Circle Facilitation is will deliver valuable information and experience so that you can successfully facilitate a drum circle using basic techniques, and give will you a window into the vast world of possibilities that the art of drum circle facilitation offers. You don’t need any musical experience, just a passion for helping others in this fun and creative process!

Who is this training for?

  • Music Therapists, Teachers & Educators
  • Psychotherapists, Counselors & Social Workers
  • Health & Wellness Professionals
  • Musicians & Drummers
  • Youth Counselors and Kids-at-risk Professionals
  • Activity Directors for Seniors
  • Ministers & Spiritual Leaders
  • Anyone seeking inspiration & new skills!



John Fitzgerald


UDLES – Specialized University of the Americas
XCCP+JW3, P.º Andrews
Panama City, Panama
+ Google Map
